The amount of times that a pattern is encountered in real life is astonishing; it is constant. This is important for a pattern, no, it is important for every idea that exist primarily as a theory. Mentally, any idea is stable — if there is desire for it — yet that stability does not have the same guarantee outside of the mind. There can be restrictions mentally though, however, those restrictions are only in place do to the acknowledgement of the restrictions that the mind has been exposed to from real life experiences. Modifications are often (nearly always) needed to meet the restrictions that are posed from the world outside of your head. People tend to always imagine ideas to the best quality that they can imagine them, rarely will people imagine something and have it not work in a perfect (to them) fashion. The reason for that is that in the mind, there are no restrictions as well as consequences. Consequence is the source of fear and the reason that people take caution. Consequence can be the source of such a broad reaction (fear), as consequence itself is just as broad. All consequence is, is a reaction; anything that happens as a result of an action is a consequence. But consequence is not generally used to describe a good reaction, consequence is used to describe a reaction that has an unfavorable outcome. Consequence is omitted in daydreams and fantasies, why would the lack of restriction lead someone towards one of the main reasons that people create self established restrictions?
Aside form the consequences, the possibilities for what can actually be created are very limited. Real world science is incredibly far from what people can imagine, the medical imagination has created a huge gap between itself and the medical reality. It is not just the medical imagination that has escaped from its reality counterpart, though the area that has the least sized gap between its imaginary sector and the reality sector is art. But the reason for the smaller sized gap is not a random reason, but it is because with art, there is the least consequence. In fact, with all of the traditional art forms, the only physical consequences that could happen would happen do to a misuse from the person using the materials. The reason for the lack of consequence as well as the reason for the smaller imaginary gap is not random; the reason for the lack of physical consequence is that art has not been designed or conceived to have a physical reaction from the viewer. Medicine is created to stimulate and create reactions from the users, medicines entire purpose is to create (positive) reactions from the user. Food is similar to medicine in that it can create an (unavoidable) reaction, but the purpose is not to create a reaction, it is simply to satisfy. If someone is to ingest something that is not compatible with what the body can process, then there will be consequence. Both medicine and sustenance are under many restrictions, but the restrictions come from different areas. Medical restrictions come from technology. There is a (large) gap between what is desired and imagined for medicine, and what medical technology (currently) can accomplish. However, the sustenance restriction is not one of a mis-matching between imagination and possibility, but simply an incompatibility issue. Some applications simply cannot tolerate certain stimuli, the human body is an incredibly sensitive structure, and there are many stimuli that produce consequences from the body. There are not just consequences with bodily stimulation though, there are also plenty of positive reactions that can happen with the body as well. This stimulation tolerance is not a constantly moving item like technology. The body does not make structural changes quickly at all, and there are periods where the body will sustain a constant version for thousands of years. The time frame in which the body does modify itself is extremely slow (when compared to how quickly technology changes and is acquired and accessible to the population.)
The smaller gap between the imagination and the actual reality of art occurs because art does not effect the body in the same ways that other activities do (and can). The only reaction that (traditional) art forms can have on a person is a reaction that they create and is most likely unique to themselves. Other areas (like medicine and food) have reactions that are incredibly (if not exactly) the same no matter which person they are experienced on. Reactions to art are totally dependent on the person which they are experienced. This is only when art is experienced and created through qualities that are exclusive to art. That means that when the qualities used to create art are qualities that are unique to only art (or any respective areas), there are no universal reactions and there cannot be any universal reactions from people. Art, food, medicine, anything, sports, are not exclusive to themselves. Anything can be combined as the application and execution of anything is controlled by the person doing them. The only way that the reactions from something can change is if they are mixed with another area. Mix art with sports, and food with medicine and create hybrid actions and activities that result in hybrid reactions. With a combination of sports and art, now the reactions that were associated with sports will now be associated with art as well. This is an area (hybrid activity) where a very valid argument involving how the definition of both art and sports is purely subjective. The combination of the two subjects is not in the definition, but in the process that they created with.
Someone can always disagree with any type of establishment, with that type of mentality, absolutely nothing would ever be accomplished as anyone could dispute method and be completely accurate.
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